Sunday, February 3, 2019

How to make fake news believable

One of the most well-known websites for producing satirical articles is The Onion. Commonly shared across social media platforms The Onion features articles with headlines that focus on particular current events in politics, sports and more. Using this technique, it lures readers in who are scrolling through their news feed to stop and read the article. Usually upon reading most people can conclude that it is indeed fake news, however there are select individual who share the articles with strong opinions on the matter. With several verified news outlets sharing political, sports and entertainment related articles it is easy for someone to get sucked into the fake news posted by The Onion, while they will post stories with similar common words. After the Patriots won the Superbowl a picture of Tom Brady holding the trophy accompanied by the caption 'This One Means the Least Of All' as the title. For football fans and non-football fans it's easy to see the image and caption on your social media feed and believe it, especially with no knowledge of what The Onion is. [163 words, 1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation]

Image result for tom brady wins super bowl

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