Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Big Titles

There is a big difference between the two newspapers above. In the newspaper on the left, the title takes up about 1/5 of the paper and it instantly catches the readers eyes. It is huge and you can clearly read "Daily Times."  Although there is only one story on the front, it is the headline and it is the biggest story so the size of the title does not matter. In comparison, the newspaper on the left does not attract attention because the title is so small. It takes up such a small amount of space and allows the writers to cram in stories on to the front page. However the text is so small that you can barely even read the subtitle "Governor pulls funding for vet cemetery." The rest of the text is illegible in comparison to the article on the right that you can read the whole thing.
[2 Images, 2 quotes, 2 links]

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