Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Investigative Journalism- AHS Potholes

It is impossible to miss them. Driving behind the high school, the road is filled with deep potholes that were terribly patched. Allen High School had major construction done over the past summer of 2018, however they did not fix the road. "You would have thought that that they would have fixed this over the summer" said Kate. Ellie said "It is impossible to miss all the potholes and it must be damaging to the vehicles." She is right too. According to "Certain vehicle components can be gradually destroyed overtime from repeated pothole abuse." So the daily wear and tear of students and buses driving over these potholes is detrimental to both the school's and student's resources. If the district planners would have been smart, they would have redone the road when they did the new entrances to the parking lot.
[2 pictures, 3 Quotes, 1 Link]

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