Friday, March 29, 2019

7 year old Child Dies in U.S Custody
On Friday March 29, 2019, an autopsy report revealed that a 7-year-old-child that had been taken into U.S. custody had died from streptococcal sepsis. Streptococcal sepsis is an infection caused by Group A strep, a bacterium that causes different infections. Authorities are unaware of when and how Jakelin was infected. Jakelin died two days after being detained by U.S Customs and Border Patrol. The law office of Lynn Coyle are currently investigating the death of this little girl. Attorneys say that the U.S Customs and Border Patrol may be responsible for Jakelin’s death for not giving her the basic neccessities while being detained. “They had access to food, water and restrooms” according to CBP.
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