Friday, March 29, 2019


Boeing has made another aircraft called the 737 Max 8 and it is “the company’s best-selling plane in the world.” Yet it has crashed twice in the last year. It crashed in October 2018 and the latest one was March 2019. They state that it can be fixed with a simple software upgrade. Boeing is an American company and has been threatened by its foreign competitor Airbus, a European company. All these aircraft have different variants to it, but it is still all the same aircraft. Same engines but different size. With jet fuel being the most important of the bunch, as it is extremely expensive, Boeing created the 737 Max to essentially remove pilot error causing more money to fix the aircraft and to ensure the safety of the flight. Due to the crash the 737 has been grounded until it is fixed.

[1 link, 1 picture, 1 quotation, 144 words]

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