Thursday, March 21, 2019

Antibiotics are failing us in our time of need- 21 March 2019

    Tom Philpott, a journalist for MotherJones, is informing the viewers about the danger of overprescribing and misdiagnosing patients has on the medicine world. To dig deeper into the failure of antibiotics Philpott decided to travel to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    "Every year 700,000 people die from pathogens that have developed a resistance to antibiotics," stated Philpott. Soon enough researchers show that by the year 2050 over one million people will soon be dying annually due to the failure of antibiotics.
    At the end of the article, the one thing Philpott asks of his viewers is to help convince the meat industry to stop their use of antibiotics to wean itself from reliance on routine use. He also uses outside sources and researchers research to back himself up. Although, he uses no pictures the facts he uses in his article are shocking and persuade the readers to believe his view. [153 words, 1 quote, 1 image, 1 link]
Image result for antibiotics failing

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