Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Finding Fake News

 Misleading information is wide spread on the internet, but understanding what to look out for can save you trouble from falling victim to misinformation. The International Federal Library Association created a public notice to inform people how to spot fake news. The quick memo states, "Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy" to emphasize that critical thinking to essential asset to have while gathering and processing information online. Additionally, considering where you found your information, as well as the sources, is a clear indication whether or not you can trust what you are reading. Understanding satire, the use of humor or irony, through text is also important to identify when reading articles that tend to sway into outlandish or ridiculous claims. Fake new can be easily avoided, understanding what to look out for through the use of critical thinking can stop misinformation cluttering your internet feed. Always look at sources and always check your basis when confronted with skeptical information.    
( 1 quote, 164 words, 1 image,
Image result for fake news

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