Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Front Page News: Girl Found in a Duffel Bag

Trinity's body was discovered March 5 in light brush near an equestrian trail east of Los Angeles.

CNN's current top story as of March 3rd was of the mother of a girl being charged with murder after her daughter had been found in a duffel bag. Looking at the front page of the news, there are many photos of the mother and daughter, separately as well as together. There is also a mug shot of the father, under it says "Emiel Lamar Hunt, 38, also stands charged in the death of 9-year-old Trinity". The news source relies on photos of the family where the child is happy, and the two being charged are generally unhappy. This conveys a sense of malevolence from the defendants and the fact that she was a happy child up until her death. As a result of this, it appeals to the emotions/pathos of the audience.

[1 image, 1 link, 1quotes, 134 words].

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