Monday, March 18, 2019

Gaining Trust Through Familiarity

    When browsing through the front pages of Californian news papers today, I noticed that The San Diego Union-Tribune and The Sun used different fonts for their front pages. The most noticeable font is that of The San Diego Union-Tribune's name, which is written in a typeface known as 'Blackletter'. According to a website focusing on web design articles called "SitePoint", Blackletter is commonly found in "newspaper nameplates lends gravitas to the publication" and its contents. After seeing this font in so many reliable newspapers, such as The New York Times, people begin to hold more trust in papers with this font as they appear more authentic and genuine. For this reason, The Sun is less effective in gaining their reader's trust because they put more of their focus on large letters and overall look less trustworthy at a glance. The San Diego Union-Tribune does a more effective job at getting their audience to trust them and purchase their newspaper by sticking to conventional fonts and layouts for their front pages. [2 images, 3 links, 1 quotation, 172 words]

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