Friday, March 29, 2019

Gloria Steinem

Named one of “25 most influential women in America,” Journalist Gloria Steinem has had an impressive journalism career as a “writer, speaker, activist, and feminist organizer.” She is a co-founder of New York Magazine, Ms. Magazine, and producer of multiple documentaries on moral issues involving the death penalty and women's rights–and that’s just to name a few accomplishments. She has actually had such an impressive career that it is easier to find articles written about her rather than by her. After a bit of looking around, I found some of her old articles archived on the New York Magazine website.

One article I found particularly interesting was written all the way back in 1968 when speaking out about civil rights and feminism was a bit more controversial than in this decade. The five-page article titled “Woman andPower” explains how and why women seek power, and how men react to that desire. The article is filled with impressive historical and political context to back it all up, including stories of powerful figures of the woman’s rights movement and examples of women who have even settled for using men to achieve power. While is definitely an opinionated article, it is a detailed piece that offers an interesting perspective into the feminist movement that Steinem was so invested in.
[1 Picture, 2 Quotes, 3 Links, 217 Words]

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