Monday, March 18, 2019

News Feeds

The layout of news feeds vary depending on the app you're obtaining the information from. Snapchat and Twitter are two social media sources that vary in layout, and both have very different ways of presenting news to users. Both apps will embed news articles into the app to where users will see posts from people they follow but also places to check trending news and other media. People can also follow a variety of news sources on both apps. On Snapchat an example of the headline reads, “Teen Found Dead Feet From Her Home?” while an example from Twitter reads, “Obama White House economist Alan Krueger dies aged 58.” Twitter is a much easier app to get news from in my opinion because not only can you follow different sources for news but you can also search for specific keywords.

[2 images, 1 links, 2 quotations, 140 words]

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