Friday, March 29, 2019

Woman held 33 immigrants in her Illinois home in forced labor scheme

19 adults and 14 children were found living against their own will in the home of Concepcion Malinek. Malinek kept these immigrants in her home, forcing them to work and give up most of their money to her. She thought that since she did them a favor by getting them to the United States, they owed her a ton of money in return. These immigrants had no way out because Malinek threatened them with “immigration consequences” if they told anybody what was going on.  According to the complaint the FBI received about Concepcion, she would tell the immigrants things like, "immigration knows how many people live in this house, you guys are poor and I have all the money," and  "they already know you are here, so go ahead and call them". Malinek would always reassure them that nobody would be able to help them.Concepcion got sentenced to a maximum of 40 years in prison for her actions.
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