Monday, February 4, 2019

A Headline is More Than a Title


As the Super Bowl game ended millions of fans were disappointed again. Following the next Morning, new headliners on the front page of newspapers reflected the Superbowl final score. I looked at three major newspaper outlets; The Los Angeles Times and, Bakersfield Californian. Both covered the Super Bowl in their own way. The Los Angeles Times acknowledged the Superbowl with their front-page title “Lambs, Not Rams”, this makes the Rams look weaker than they are. On another hand, The Bakersfield Californian glorified the Patriots in their winning of the Superbowl, the title “Lords of the Rings” made the Patriots look unstoppable. While I read these articles, I discovered that the title sets up what the story becomes. It has a greater influence on the reader then I initially thought.  [2 Images, 2 Links, 2 Quotations, and 128 Words]

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