Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Effects of Newspaper Layouts

    One of the most significant elements of a newspaper's design and influence is their layout. When I was looking at two different news sources in Boston, Massachusetts including The Boston Globe and Metro - Boston Edition, I found that the two had drastically different layouts. The Boston Globe 
uses a classic newspaper style with multiple article excerpts presented in columns alongside images. In contrast, Metro has a very magazine-like layout containing very large modular graphics with a focus on certain articles including one about an "inside look at life as a transplant surgeon" among various other news. The layout of The Boston Globe is more effective in strengthening their credibility because people are more likely to trust a familiar newspaper over one that is more difficult to recognize. For this reason, Metro - Boston Edition is less successful at spreading their news than The Boston Globe is. [2 images, 2 links, 1 quotation, 145 words]

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