Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Firefighters home burnt to a crisp in our neighborhood - 20 March 2019

    At 3:30 am on Thursday morning, an Allen firefighter got a shocking call from his wife, causing him to rush to his own home with his team.
    Claire Cardona, a journalist for the Allen news, interviewed the firefighter, Jeremy West, and asked him and his wife a few questions. The first question Cardona asked was "how did the fire start?" West replied with "two dried-out Christmas trees, but I am not sure what the initial cause of the fire was." He went along and told Cardona how thankful he was that his family was safe and that he has such a supportive team to help him and his family through this tough time.
   West's team also included, "to see a fellow brother like that hurting, it hurts all of us." Residents should be on the lookout for unwanted fire hazards in their homes to prevent tragedies like this one from happening. [152 words, 2 quotes, 2 images, 1 link]
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