Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Let's Investigate

Let’s Investigate

Road construction is a necessarily evil unfortunately.  I mean let's face the facts; you have to have roads to go places and they have to be built by somebody at some time.  So, because that is happening I have heard many side conversations of people complaining about all of the problems that come with construction.  Noise and traffic issues are some that come to mind and unfortunately they affect all Allen residents daily. So, I interviewed a few of my friends and let’s just say none of them had anything positive to say.  “It’s just ridiculous everyday trying to get to the high school in the morning”, Ian said. “I hate waking up every day to big, loud trucks, and jackhammers”, said Elijah. It’s safe to say that what my friends had to say was not very positive but they are only a few of many Allen residents complaining about all of the construction.

[1 image, 2 links, 2 quotations, 154 words]

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