Thursday, March 21, 2019

Flipboard’s News Delivery

Flipboard offers both a website and mobile applications with the mission of “[advancing] conversation through important and influential stories that not only keep people informed, but also inspire them to engage, learn and lead”(Flipboard’s About Us Page). For the most part, Flipboard has a clean design which puts the focus on content, not some newsletter or get rich quick ads. Most of what can be found on the Flipboard platform follows the pattern of an image, the category, the title, the source, and lastly a snippet. However, just about everything is links to other sources, each of which has their own unique style. Since Flipboard’s focus is on distribution and not creating content, most of what’s on their platform is links to news sources.
[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 124 words]

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