Recently checking over different news articles on Newseum, I have found two newspapers that are both in the North Eastern side of the United States that are very different. The Connecticut Post Newspaper had a very large title with a noticeable story headline along with three other noticeable stories being presented on the paper. There was a small date when it was published as well as the text was very hard to read because of how tiny it was. And only one ad was presented at the bottom of the page about “Bankwell’s Savings”. The Chicago Sun Times had some similarities to the Connecticut Post like, a large title, small text, and ad at the bottom of the page. A few things that were different was that there was a large photo of R. Kelly with the title of “CPD Probed Another Sexual Assault Claim VS. R. Kelly”, and along the side of the paper, there was also three different stories being talked about briefly.
[2 images, 2 links, 2 quotations, 165 words]
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