Thursday, March 21, 2019

News covers

Comparing A New York post article with a Bakersfield California article points out how opposite coasts of the country can view a problem in society such as homelessness. The New York post shows a picture of a man sitting in a chair with his head down. Above the picture says that a "city that lets people sleep on the streets is a city that doesn't care." This quote was mentioned by Rudy Giuliani who was the former mayor of New York. This shows the importance of the problem. The cover on the Bakersfield California newspaper shows a woman cleaning up trash and discarded belongings in an enclosed space that is occupied by the homeless. This cover gives the reader an idea of the poverty that other citizens live in. It can possibly give the reader a sense of remorse for these fellow citizens.
Image result for news front covers on homelessnessImage result for bakersfield california homelessness increasing

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