Thursday, March 21, 2019

News Outlet Comparisons

News Outlet Comparisons

For this post (and a following post), I decided to compare two news apps that I have never heard of before. The two applications I will be comparing are “SmartNews” and “Feedly”. I just searched “news” in the app store to find these applications. When opening SmartNews, the viewer is presented with categories on the top of the page in rainbow order, ranging from top news stories to entertainment, lifestyle, politics, and more topics. It is a quite minimalistic presentation, at just the swipe of a finger you can view thousands of news articles. When opening “Feedly”, I was presented with a page that says “Where readers become leaders”, which is a highly impactful message that intrigues the reader. You do have to set up an account to use this app, however you aren’t required to for “SmartNews”. A useful feature of “Feedly” is the customization of your notification options and assorting articles. Overall, I would have to say that “Feedly” is the winner in terms of being user-friendly, however if you want something more simplistic, then “SmartNews” would be for you. Here are the links to download both apps: Feedly SmartNews

[2 images, 2 links, 192 words, 1 quotation]

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