Thursday, March 21, 2019

Comparisons Part 2

News Outlet Comparisons (Part 2!)

While writing my last post, I realized that I could also compare the more popular and well-known news apps that we use in our everyday lives. I downloaded several different apps, but in this post I have decided to compare NBC News and Fox News. When opening NBC News, I am automatically asked if I would like to receive notifications. There are icons at the bottom representing the different sections of the app (“home” page, “watch page”, “live audio” page, “discover” page, and user settings). The hope page features the most recent and popular stories and there isn’t really a separation of the types of stories. The watch page is the same in terms of displaying the trending stories. The live audio page is intriguing to me because I haven’t seen that (so far) within a news app before. The discover tab is great for searching for specific articles or looking at all the different categories. The Fox News app also asks if the reader would like to receive notifications. This app also has icons at the bottom, exactly the same as the NBC app. Further explanation of all of the details of this app isn’t necessary, primarily because it’s pretty much exactly the same as the NBC News app. In conclusion, if you are trying to decide between these two apps, I would advise that you just pick the one that seems more aesthetically pleasing to you, but considering that they are highly similar, it doesn’t really matter. Here are the links to download both apps: Fox News NBC News

[2 images, 2 links, 261 words, 4 quotations]

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