Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Man Behind The Osama Interview

Robert Fisk, a very fascinating British journalist and author,  has done the unthinkable when it comes to journalism. Fisk has won the British Press Awards International Journalist of the Year seven times. That means that he was considered Britain's best journalist for a consecutive seven years. He didn’t get this title for no reason, Fisk puts himself in a lot of questionable situations. One of Fisks greatest accomplishments was when he interviewed Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. How does one go about getting a meeting with the world's most wanted man you might ask? Well it's a fairly simple. In his writings Fisk said that he had received a call from a man with a thick arabic accent who said to him “Mr Robert, a friend you met in Sudan wants to see you”(Fisk). How crazy is that! Fisk went on to interview Osama not just once, but three times and in his writings you can feel his sense of fear and burning anxiety, which makes the reader beg for more. His writings evoke a sense of emotion that not many other journalist can which may be one of the many factors in his seven time britain's best journalist. Fisk has done many amazing things in the journalist community and is still contributing to this day.(217 words, 1 Picture, 1 quote)

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