Thursday, March 21, 2019

Protecting The Streets?

Here in Allen, TX we have it very good! We have nice houses, neighborhoods, and a supportive community. Not much trouble happens in Allen, but every once and a while a small problem may occur. This means that the cops in our community don't have as many major issues to deal with on a daily basis than cops in a place such as Dallas.  This means that the Allen Police Department has more time to focus on the careless teen drivers and parents on their race to school. The Allen PD is sitting on a goldmine of tickets at the high school so you can't blame the officers for hanging around there. Almost every morning I see someone being pulled over by a very sneaky motorcycle cop. Don’t get me wrong if someone does something blatantly wrong I would expect them to get pulled over, but the problem is pulling people for things such as a broken taillight for instance. The problem with the cops swarming the high school is that it is causing some students to be late to class. When talking to my friend Caleb I had learned that he had been pulled over by the sneaky cop that caused a  problem with his exemptions. “I’ve seen him thousands of times, but the one time i'm running late is the time he pulls me over for some bullcrap” Caleb was pulled over for his passenger tail light being out and was not ticketed, but was late to class. He is no longer exempt from his third period class do to this incident and that is why I think this prowling is a problem. Caleb used a hyperbole when he was talking to show how often the cop is out prowling for his victims, and the hyperbole adds to the feeling of anger when he was talking. (307 words, 1 picture, 1 quote)

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