Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Face Behind The Truh

The Face Behind The Truth 

One of the worst feelings in the world is being lied to by someone you trust. That is why people like Dr. Sander van der Linden are giving it their all to stop the spread of fake news. Fake news is a very dangerous thing because “false news stories spread faster, deeper and farther than true stories” (Ortiz). That is why people like Dr. Linden are trying to stop the spread of fake news! To do so Dr. Linden and his crew are using the strategy of inoculation (inoculation is just a fancy word for vaccines). No they're not treating any illnesses, but in this instance Dr. Linden is using Inoculation as a metaphor to describe how they are going to tackle the fake news epidemic. Dr.Linden treats fake news like a virus and is trying to tackle it in the same manner, gang up on it and destroy it! To destroy this disgusting thing we call fake news, Dr. Linden has set up a few different campaigns to help keep people away from this monstrosity. These campaigns inform the reader on what types of rhetorics to look out for and help determine if a source is trustworthy or not. Dr. Linden and his crew have set a goal to completely eradicate all fake news, and hope these informal campaigns will contribute to the end of fake news.(229 words, 1 quote, 1 picture)

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