Thursday, March 21, 2019

TopBuzz vs The Washington Post

Battle of the Sources

News providers, such as the two above, are constantly working on ways to increase their audiences. TopBuzz is a lesser known news source that targets young adults with their fun new stories and use of use visual rhetorics. TopBuzz uses things such as bright colors and bold fonts to try and “draw-in” new readers. A woman by the name of Wassily Kandinsky said that “Color is a power which directly influences the soul.”  TopBuzz must have read this quote before creating their layout because their page is littered with color. The Washington Post on the other hand uses visual rhetorics to appeal to a different type of audience. The smaller fonts and clean-cut layout create a more formal feel and thus generate a more formal and older audience. All news sites tell very similar stories but the way that the news is conveyed varies drastically.(153 words, 2 pictures,  1 quote)

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