Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Communicating Through Likes on Instagram

Image result for instagram news

When you think of news, Instagram isn't the first thing to come to mind is it? If you would have thought of news ten years ago, it would have never even crossed your mind. Nowadays people come across news on Instagram more than they do on actual news outlets. On here, news is communicated through the pictures we share, the comments we leave, and even the likes we hand out. It carries news ranging from what your favorite celebrity's new hair color is to the sentencing of a recent murder trial.

Instagram constantly refreshes its page, with or without your consent, and as a result, keeps its reader updated on the newest event. Think of when you've missed out on seeing your favorite artist play and decide to scroll through Instagram. It's not long before you see all of your "friends" post that same concert and essentially, project you through the phone and right in that screaming crowd.

But let's not forget the ads that pop up on our feed after we've been sinfully shopping. It's normally ads displaying the same type of item we were just looking at. The ads allow "businesses to drive awareness and increase its customer base through visuals." Instagram does a great job at filtering the type of media we receive. It's almost to the point where you question if they're snatching your thoughts and projecting it on your phone. [1 image, 1 quotation, 1 links, 235 words]

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