Tuesday, April 9, 2019

WhatsApp Combating Fake News?

Image result for whatsapp

Nowadays with social media platforms anyone can create or share any sort of information that they would like. News media outlets use platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, just to name a few, to release the latest news about what is going on in politics, with celebrities, etc., at a rate that will allow anyone to access that information wherever they are. But how does WhatsApp come into the picture? Well foremost WhatsApp is a messaging app that you can use in any smart device that is connected to wifi. But what does a messenger app have to do with fake news? As a matter of fact, how is it fighting it? Well according to this article that I came across by Mashable, "WhatsApp Continues Fight Against Fake News with New Search Image Feature", they state that the app is combating misinformation through a, "feature that allows users to easily upload an image found on its platform to Google". By doing so, it will, "help users find out if an image is real or if it has been photoshopped". The rhetorical strategies that certain articles may be using to fool people can all be found in the image. Often these images may be photoshopped as stated above, to make it seem like something that it is not. Therefore it is very important to always check an image if you feel unsure of the authenticity of an article. 

[ 1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 238 words]

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