Friday, April 26, 2019

Fox News vs. CNN

For a long time, news sources have been known to align towards different ideological groups. Due to this reason, the way news is portrayed on these websites has varied with the two most common differences being CNN and Fox News. CNN uses more details and complex sentences to display their content. This provides the reader with more details which may or may not help them get a better understanding of the topic they are reading about. In addition, the articles posted in their website uses more pictures. Fox News on the other hand relies on shorter titles like “’Evidence’ of Trouble” to
draw in their audience. They also have more videos which can sometimes tell more about a situation than a picture can. The use of different rhetorical devices also helps draw in different groups of people that “nearly half of its consistent conservatives (47%) name [Fox News] as their main source” to get news. [2 images, 3 links, 2 quotations, 155 words]

The websites mentioned can be found below: 

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