Friday, April 26, 2019

Journalists Lives are in Danger, More Now than Ever

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Journalists have always risked their lives to bring coverage to the most enthralling and important situations happening worldwide. But Journalists have also put their lives at risk for being journalists. On this article by BBC News, it is stated that, "More than 2,500 journalists have been killed since 1990, and media rights groups warn, on World Press Freedom Day on 3 May, of a growing trend of journalists being targeted for the work they do". It is crazy to think about how many journalists are oppressed back in their home countries based on the simple fact that their government doesn't want them to report on certain issues going on to protect themselves. "In the last six years, it's been an incredibly dangerous time to be a journalist," says Mahoney, CPJ's deputy executive director. "Many journalists are not killed in conflicts, they are murdered and deliberately targeted for their work." BBC News states that most of the killings have to do with investigations in regards to political corruption and organized crime. Often, those with wealth and power buy journalists to portray them as something that they are not to keep their image clean or to better it. An example would be the President of Venezuela who does not allow videos or articles about what is going on in his country to be published unless it is showing his "good" side. 

[ 1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations. 229 words]

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