Friday, April 26, 2019

Front Page News

   Going through Newseumed’s archived front pages, it’s evident that they use enlarged, bold words along with eye-catching, controversial visuals to grab the reader’s attention. Their headlines, while massive, are very short - the shorter the headline, the bigger they can make the font is what they seem to aim for. These headlines are followed by shorter summaries that elaborate on the bolded text, but don’t give away too much so that the readers are forced to open up the magazine or article and read further. Visuals are also vital to these front pages. Bright, vivid colors are used to emphasize celebration or chaos, while images with muted colors, or sometimes no image at all, are used to accompany a solemn and somber story. For example, a front page from 2015 has a full black cover with the words “JE SUIS CHARLIE” in bold and nothing more. The event, which led to “subsequent unity rallies in support of free speech and free press,” was significant enough to not need a visual or accompanying subtext. [1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 183 words]

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