Friday, April 26, 2019

Fake News

Donald Trump is the first person who comes to mind when hearing “fake news” because of how much he throws the term around. Trump loudly denounces “fake news” constantly and persistently throughout the media whenever there are claims about himself or his actions that he deems incorrect. However, Trump has become increasingly extreme with his denouncements to the extent that is alarming to most Americans. His idea to stop the spreading of fake news is to counter with authority, a few examples include “threatening to jail political opponents or urging police to be violent with criminal suspects.” To play with power in this manner is concerning and it’s understandable why Americans would be alarmed, but his actions seem to be counterproductive as it is actually encouraging his opposers to speak up and protest more. On the other hand, those who support him may follow suit and assume their own authority to punish resistors who spread “fake news.” As president, Donald Trump should be more careful with his rhetoric as it is further dividing the country into those who are with him and those who are against him. [1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 196 words]

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