Friday, April 26, 2019

On Stage Chemistry with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper

With the amount of technology that we are surrounded by on a daily basis, it is no surprise that many people post fake news. One photograph can completely misrepresent a situation and can spread quickly with a single post. This was the case on the day of the Oscars. Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga were performing their new
song ‘Shallow’ together on stage. Many people noticed how close the performers seemed to be and people were quick to post that they must be in love with each other. Some even claimed that Lady Gaga was "'dating' Jeremy Renner to get 'revenge'" on Bradley Cooper for not committing to her. Others had even claimed that Lady Gaga had broken up with Christian Carino because she was secretly in love with Bradley. However, she was quick to shut down all the rumors by claiming that the love people saw was "what we wanted you to see". She claimed that the love they have for each other is "a love based in solid friendship and admiration for one another". Just by looking at the posts on social media platforms, people would be confused to their actual relationship and believe that they have romantic feelings for each other even though that may not actually be the case. [1 image, 3 links, 3 quotations, 214 words]

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