Friday, April 26, 2019

News Feeds:

Twitter and Wall Street Journal are both outlets for sharing and finding news, but they both have a different approach to how the news is communicated. With Twitter, it is up to the individual to find news sources that they deem reliable and then they “follow” the respective source’s account. These news sources can be family and friends or companies, brands, and actual news outlets such as the New York Times and Washington Post. While many people view Twitter as just another social media app, Twitter’s CMO Leslie Berland said that it is more than just that by claiming “Twitter shows me what’s up in the world...Twitter shows me what’s up. Twitter keeps me on the pulse. Twitter keeps me informed.” While it can be used for pure social purposes, it is also a reliable source of what’s current in the world, but it is up to the individual to seek the news. 

The Wall Street Journal app however is made purely for news and will only give you the news. While it can have social purposes, such as commenting on posts, WSJ’s main goal is to share current events to keep their users informed. Twitter is more curated to the user because the individual chooses who they follow, meaning they choose what content they see. While WSJ does allow you to follow specific events, it will always display all sorts of news and will help you find other events to keep up with. Both Twitter and the Wall Street Journal app share news, but Twitter is more socially oriented and more curated to the user while WSJ aims to keep their audience informed on all sorts of news. [1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 287 words]

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