Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Investigative Journalism- AHS Potholes

It is impossible to miss them. Driving behind the high school, the road is filled with deep potholes that were terribly patched. Allen High School had major construction done over the past summer of 2018, however they did not fix the road. "You would have thought that that they would have fixed this over the summer" said Kate. Ellie said "It is impossible to miss all the potholes and it must be damaging to the vehicles." She is right too. According to "Certain vehicle components can be gradually destroyed overtime from repeated pothole abuse." So the daily wear and tear of students and buses driving over these potholes is detrimental to both the school's and student's resources. If the district planners would have been smart, they would have redone the road when they did the new entrances to the parking lot.
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Journalist In the Wild

Brian Williams was an American news journalist for the National Broadcasting Company. He dropped out of college for an internship for Jimmy Carter, and then was hired by WCBS in Kansas. "In 1993, Williams earned a spot at NBC News, where he climbed the ranks from White House correspondent to CNBC and MSNBC anchor for the program 'The News with Brian Williams', which debuted in 1996." Williams improved his public image of stiff and non charismatic after his coverage of Hurricane Katrina. Between March 2013 and February 2015 Williams was criticized for lying about a helicopter incident in Iraq and resigned. Now, Williams hosts The 11th Hour on MSNBC.
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Big Titles

There is a big difference between the two newspapers above. In the newspaper on the left, the title takes up about 1/5 of the paper and it instantly catches the readers eyes. It is huge and you can clearly read "Daily Times."  Although there is only one story on the front, it is the headline and it is the biggest story so the size of the title does not matter. In comparison, the newspaper on the left does not attract attention because the title is so small. It takes up such a small amount of space and allows the writers to cram in stories on to the front page. However the text is so small that you can barely even read the subtitle "Governor pulls funding for vet cemetery." The rest of the text is illegible in comparison to the article on the right that you can read the whole thing.
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Interesting Journalist

Robert Fisk is an interesting journalist from Britain, know for his fearlessness and abilities to interview/access notoriously inaccessible people and places. He is mainly based in the Middle East, and covered the Lebanese Civil War, Iranian Revolution, Iraq-Iran War, Persian Gulf War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War. "He was one of the few western reporters to have interviewed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, a feat he accomplished three times during the 1990s." He also criticized colleagues for their lack of effort or so called "hotel journalism" which relied on official sources. He holds several journalism awards such as the British Press Awards International Journalist of the Year and hold more awards than any other international journalist.

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Front Page Pictures

When it comes to news papers, the format generally seems to be the same. For example, when printing the cover page, there is usually a huge picture or graphic, with a  title or description below it so that the readers know what the context of the pictures are. In the cases of the pictures above, you can tell the article to the left is about a tow truck driver being killed because the article states "Tow driver killed on 101 while aiding motorist," and in the article to the left, you can tell the article is about teacher protest because the title says "Educators express discontent."

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This Article is Fake News

There is an article written by Fortune by the title of "This Article is Fake News, But It's The Work of AI" surrounding the fact that in San Francisco, and AI has been created that can make fake news and fake news information after only having seen a small sample. The article uses logic as well as the science behind the AI to explain it and it's reasoning. Much like how they said that because of the "potential to be misused for creating disinformation, " the company has"chosen not to make the most powerful versions of its algorithm available for public". The article even shows an article created by the AI that does not use any human assistance.

[1 link, 1 photo, 117 words, 2 quotes]

Sunday, February 24, 2019


The hypocrisy about how Alcohol and tobacco are legal in all states but Marijuana isn’t. “Almost six million people die from tobacco use and 2.5 million from harmful use of alcohol each year worldwide”,but ‘‘…not one single account of death from overdose has been recorded.’’ Marijuana is not harmful to the body but rather helps the body in many different ways. Infact it is a bit puzzling as to why something that is 100% natural is not legal for use in Texas, even for medical purposes other than just “intractable epilepsy.”. It is not toxic nor lethal. I personally think marijuana was made illegal not because for the ‘safety’ of people but rather because this industry makes the most money so the government keeps it illegal for their personal gain, maybe?[1 image, 3 links, 3 quotes, 140 words]
what is LIFE?

Life lacks meaning without you, I mean if you really think about it the meaning of your life is what you give to it because there is never really a true meaning to anything, but it just how we prefer to see things . You are your own author, so every line, every page, every chapter, and even every book written by you should be done without regret but
rather taking it as experience and mainly living your own dream and no one else’s. “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”Every day and everything you do will always be some sort of an adventure, may it be good or bad. [1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 126 words]
Gender and the Society

Gender and Sex are two different terms and although it is considered the same in some cases, it actually has different meanings. Sex is the biological difference from a person to person, which is male or female. Whereas Gender according to society is ‘walk like a man’ or ‘throw like a girl’, but no one is born knowing how to do such things but is taught and influenced to behave in such manners. Gender experiences will evolve over a person’s lifetime. Gender is therefore always in flux.”Gender and ones sexuality has a long list of the different types and not all are accepting of what one chooses to identify as, even though ‘free-will’ is talked about a lot and how we are our unique self. [2 images, 1 link, 1 quote, 130 words]

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Journalists in the Wild

For the most part, journalists do not set the news agenda. Instead, they take the information they have been given by weighing its significance checking its accuracy and putting it in context. The news reporter’s job is to confirm the facts of the story, make sense of them and to put them together in a coherent report. Investigative reporting, however, does not just report the information that has been given out by others – “whether it is government, political parties, companies or advocacy groups. It is reporting that relies on the journalist’s own enterprise and initiative. Investigative reporting means journalists go beyond what they have seen and what has been said to unearth more facts and to provide something new and previously unknown”. [1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 12 words]

Investigative Journalism:

 I live in an apartment building and most of my neighbors complain about the trash policy. I took my time to investigate what is the office take about this issue. The people who are working in the office do not know me because it is under new management. I went in as a future resident looking for a two bedroom apartment. This is the information I got about trash collection criteria:
“Place trash cart at collection point (street curb or alley) by 7 a.m. on your scheduled collection day to ensure pickup. Put trash in sealed plastic bags before placing in cart. Bags placed outside cart will not be collected, except following a city-designated holiday. Do not put corrugated cardboard boxes, recyclables, or chemicals in trash cart - a separate collection is provided for these items. Do not place hot ashes in the trash can. Place ashes in a sealed bag, set bag outside to cool. Once ashes are cool, place the bag in the trash can for disposal.” I am glad I investigated because all this time we have been doing it the wrong way and we were all wondering why they leave our trash. [1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 124 words]

Fake News

Fake news can be news that is fabricated with the intention of misleading or confusing readers. Misleading News are news stories that report quotes, images, statistics out of context, some of these stories can be old stories that are re-reported with a new misleading headline. They also mimic websites then write fake news websites that mimic the look of trusted news sources in order to fool readers into thinking a story is real. Another way of fake news is by fake and ironic news stories that are intended to be funny or entertaining. Another way of spreading fake news is by “a different interpretation of facts, usually derived from a misinterpretation of reports or by concentrating only on a subset of the available information”. [1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 124 words]

All President's Men

"All the President's Men" The journalist tried to write even the finest details when gathering information from people. “we're adrift in a sea of names, dates, telephone numbers, coincidences, lucky breaks, false leads, dogged footwork, denials, evasions, and sometimes even the truth”. The thousands of this information led to Watergate and the Nixon resignation. On this picture it was weird how they both listened to one phone call. I wished the person on the other side knew what they were doing so that they can keep the information to themselves. This movie made me learn a lesson that I should not give important information on the phone because I don’t know the intentions of the person on the other end. [1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 119 words]

All President's Men

All the President's Men is a 1976 American political movie about the Watergate Scandal, which brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon because he had to resign. "The main characters were Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, these two journalists were journalists investigating the Watergate scandal for The Washington Post". While watching the movie, I always thought the will lose their jobs, reputation and maybe their lives because they involved themselves in investigative matters which made me worry. They made a lot of phone calls trying to gather information and even very little details were not taken for granted. This political thrill film was produced by Walter Coblenz for Redford's Wildwood Enterprises. [1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 111 words]

All the President's Men (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

R. Kelly Charged With 10 Counts of Sexual Abuse in Chicago

There have been many allegations made towards R.Kelly relating to sexual misconduct over the past two years. According to attorney, Kim Foxx, “The authorities accused him of aggravated criminal sexual abuse involving four victims, three of whom were underage”. The average sentence for aggravated criminal sexual abuse ranges from three to seven years for each charge. With Kelly facing 10 charges, he could be doing a lot of time in the near future. Recently, the allegations on R.Kelly have sparked the “#MeToo” movement. This movement encouraged women to speak out on times they were ever sexually abused in any way. A documentary called “Surviving R.Kelly”, a series including testimonials from women who dated Kelly, also broadcasted in January. Although R.Kelly turned himself into the police, his attorney said “his client denies any wrongdoing”.

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At Venezuela’s Border, a Strange and Deadly Showdown Over Aid

Venezuela’s opposition went against President Maduro’s orders to donate aid to Venezuela. Two protesters were killed by Venezuela’s security forces when trying to block a road to prevent them from passing. The protestors were in disagreement with the President saying that “the population needs food and medication.” President Maduro shut the Brazil and Curacao borders in fear of a foreign invasion to “destabilize” him. “Venezuelans, who have suffered from years of deadly shortages of food and medicine, wonder if this is the end of the crisis that has engulfed their country.” People not being able to have access to food and medicine is cause by having a bad leader. Venezuelans are losing hope and faith in their country and will soon have to leave.

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Why a Tax Cut Might Not Mean a Bigger Refund
Tax season can be a beneficial time for some and a difficult time for others. Many of us get money from the IRS while others owe money. Have you ever wondered why you got a really small refund or owed a ton of money? The answer is that the tax cuts we took in 2018 went to receiving bigger paychecks. “After the Internal Revenue Service sent out new withholding tables early last year, employers adjusted the amounts taken out in each pay period, whether you noticed or not.” The IRS has tried to reach a “sweet spot” when taking taxes to avoid dramatically affecting people’s paychecks. Even though you might think your getting a small tax return, the money you’re missing is being deposited in your bank every two weeks.

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Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Charged in Florida Prostitution Investigation

After looking over surveillance videos from multiple day spas and massage parlors, police charged Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, with two counts of soliciting sex. Kraft is now “part of a wide-ranging investigation into prostitution and suspected human trafficking in South Florida.After multiple raids and arrests, police were able to connect several businesses used for human trafficking and prostitution in South Florida. Robert Kraft has been charged with two misdemeanors that could possibly be dropped. A spokesman for Kraft stated “We categorically deny that Mr. Kraft engaged in any illegal activity. Because it is a judicial matter, we will not be commenting further.”

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Trump Administration Blocks Funds for Planned Parenthood and Others Over Abortion Referrals
On Friday, the Trump administration announced a new federal rule blocking federal family planning money from organizations that provide abortion referrals. Since reproductive rights are already an existing debate, this rule is more than likely to be tried in court. “Organizations receiving money through the federal family planning program, called Title X, will still be able to perform abortions but will have to do so in a separate facility from their other operations and adhere to the new requirement that they not refer patients to it.” This isn’t the first time this rule has been tried by the Republican administration. The rule was introduced by President Ronald Reagan and eliminated by President Bill Clinton. Blocking funding for Planned Parenthood can also leave a lot of patients without access to doctors.

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There's Water On Mars?

"Korolev crater is filled with ice that's about 5,905 feet thick all year long.

The crater, which is nearly 50.1 miles..."NASA has been exploring Mars since 1965. Here are some of the best moments captured by Mars missions over the years. <br />The European Space Agency's Mars Express mission captured this image of the Korolev crater, more than 50 miles across and filled with water ice, near the north pole.
A very descriptive article about the crater filled with ice. Is it really true? What did they even use to take a picture of this from this sort of angle? 
"NASA has been exploring Mars since 1965."
That's almost 54 years, more than double my age! I wonder if there are any microorganisms frozen there. Unfortunately, the article does not mention anything about tests or collections from the crater. The article just provides various information about the discovery and deploying a seismometer to understand what’s happening on the surface of Mars. 

Pew Die Pie + Elon Musk + Co-creator of Rick and Morty

Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 1.30.28 PM

Now that is a mix you would not expect, but then again it is 2019.
PewDiePie and T-Series are currently battling for the most subscribers on YouTube. On a recent video PewDiePie uploaded, it featured a clip of Elon Musk and Justin Roiland.

"During the segment, Musk and Roiland rate various memes, like the one pictured below. The pair provide commentary and funny quips."

What is the main motivation for this? Who is their target or market audience? There is not much bias except mentioning Stuart Little(nostalgia) and before starting the main video, it has a thumbnail of Will Smith and him as a genie. Is it all a marketing ploy? 

A YouTuber, a Billionaire, and a Show Creator. What a strange combination.
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Subtle Advertising?


The article is by WIRED, a popular news site about technology. It tries to persuade the audience that there are better alternatives than the new Galaxy S10. Ironically the first suggestion is the older Galaxy S9.

Near the very end of the article, other brands like Google Pixel 3, OnePlus 6T, and LG G7 are listed(also as a cheaper alternative).

Are they actual recommendation, or did companies pay to advertise their products? For more than a decade, Apple was the mainstream phone, then the rise of Samsung. Now we are seeing a lot of other cellphone brands in the market.
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Friday, February 22, 2019

Investigative Journalism

One of the issues around my community would be the construction that is taking place right next to where I live causing one problems for people. For example people that usually take those roads to work have to take another path or they will find themselves stuck in traffic caused by the construction taking place. Which can be frustrating for many people that need to get to work and would have to take an extra step just to get where they need to go. Many of my neighbors find it troubling as well and wonder when it will be finish.


jamal khashoggi is a journalist who spoke the truth and ended up killed because of it. He was one of the leading journalists in Saudi Arabia till he came to the United States to work for the Washington post. Lots of journalist that go out of the country to go in the middle of the news put the selfs into danger to be able to find truth and write about it to inform the public which takes a lot of courage to be able to do that knowing that they may not even come back but that’s how dedicated they are to their jobs.

Russell Baker was also a Pulitzer winner, wrote for the Times and maintained a pretty good sense of humor for a journalist. His uniqueness was that although he was a journalist and writer. You can see his sense of humor as he has said, “Americans like fat books and thin women.” He won a pulitzer for his commentary in his column known as “Observer.” He passed away at the age of 93 and many have come out with videos on his memories, Remembering Russell Baker. He had retired in 1998 and recently passed in 2019. He fell and experienced complications which ultimately lead to his death.

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Christiane Amanpour is a British-Iranian journalist and television host. She is the Chief International Anchor for CNN and host of CNN International’s nightly interview, “Amanpour.”
To add onto her accomplishments she is also the host of Amanpour & Company on PBS and a Global Affairs Anchor of ABC news. She has also been noted for reporting the Bosnian war.
She is one of the journalists that is aware of the reputation of journalists and has once said, “And I believe that good journalism, good television, can make our world a better place.” She tries to clear the name of journalists and is also aware that there is bad in her field as well. She has also acknowledged her roots in Iran in this video,

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Front page

Most news papers have about the same format when it comes to printing their own front pages others Maybe different but are similar. For example most news papers front page have their company name on the top in big fonts and with the date underneath in a dark bold font. And they usually have their biggest news of the day on the front with a big image that accompanies the story and takes up about half of the paper and underneath that half is another topic with a smaller picture. With the exception that some actually have pictures that take up the whole front page. 

James Agee was an American journalist and also well known for his poetry. He was also well known for a novel he wrote that also won him a pulitzer prize, “A Death in the Family.” He was also a well known film critic in the 30’s and 40’s. He was featured constantly in the Times and signed in the Nation. He was very aware of his time and also ahead of it. He went against odds and was not very traditional. He once said, “You must be in tune with the times and prepared to break with tradition.” He was a legend for his time and there are many video tributes dedicated to him such as, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

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News feeds

Many apps now have way some to share the news through their own platforms and different ways to present them to the people. Twitter in one hand has and explore page where you can find current news that happens usually around the current day. Having a list of articles that a person can look through to catch up with the news and Facebook takes a different approach by having videos and clips of news which a person and watch instead of reading and it’s sometimes mixed with stuff that isn’t considered news. They both have their own page dedicated to the new and try to execute the same idea, informing people about current events.

Fake News

Fake News
Fake news has been one of the most hotly debated socio-political topics of recent years. It has resulted people in the United States to become wary of the information that they read online. One of the main concerns of fake news stories is that they can polarize society, and even affect international relations. More believable than the truth, fake news have led to racism, harassment, intimidation, and damage to reputation. According to Damian Collins, Chairman of the Culture, the increase of fake news is 'a threat to democracy and undermines confidence in the media in general'.        
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Front News Page


Just by looking at the two newspapers, you can tell their are major differences. The Fresno Bee newspaper is published in Fresno, Calif. USA, while Anniston Star is published in Anniston, Ala. USA. The way the articles grab your attention are in different ways. When looking at The Fresno Bee article, you can see that they went for more of a visual appeal, that included pictures. While when looking at The Anniston Star article, you can see that they went for more of a quieter approach. Their front page includes more written words, then pictures and it includes only two medium sized pictures. When newspapers are made, they are set to grab readers attentions. They do this by using pictures, having out of the box titles and creating an appealing front page. For example, The Fresno Bee title is listed as "Could high-speed rail power through if Trump disembarks?" This title is very bold. It relates to a current topic going on and it is strong. While The Anniston Star  articles grabs your attention by using an amazing picture of what looks to be a racing truck.
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Fake news

Fake news is all over the world especially in this day and age where we can all write about what ever pops into our heads with the Internet giving us that option. False rumors and easily be spread around with many people actually believing what they say without really looking into it to see if it isn’t really and especially if it’s what they want to hear. It’s almost like digital pollution making it hard to find the real news. One of the few ways to find the real news isn’t to look into reliable sources and checking at least three other ones just like it to prove their reliability.