Thursday, March 21, 2019

Comparing Front Pages of California Newspapers

Bakersfield, California and Chico, California vary differently on their front pages for newspaper. The Bakersfield Californian title "Quiet on the Set" is very bold and does a good job of attracting the attention of their readers. There is also a very attention-grabbing picture on the front page that is taking up a majority of room on the page. On the other hand, Enterprise-Record, that is sent out throughout Chico, California, has multiple titles across the page with little excerpts on each of the pieces that give the reader an overview of the articles. Overall, readers are more likely to read The Bakersfield Californian because it is "simple, clear and to the point" (Council Post 7). Newseum [1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 115 words]


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