Thursday, March 21, 2019

Coyotes Kicked to The Curb

As most of us know coyotes are very smart and powerful animals, this has been proven in the last couple of months in the northern Dallas area. Families with dogs and young children have begun to frighten due to the uprise in coyotes along with their attacks, more and more stories and sightings are being posted on neighborhood websites, and on the news as well reporting coyotes attacking dogs, even people walking and jumping fences. This sudden turnout is thought to be due to the never ending construction, destroying the coyotes homes and pushing them out to nowhere other than the streets of our homes. Dallas news reports “The most recent happened at 6 a.m. Wednesday. A jogger was running on the sidewalk of Eldorado when the animal attacked. The jogger, who is in stable condition, had "significant" injuries to the neck and underwent surgery, police said.” Speaking for myself I have heard and seen this issue arise a couple of times now, but is there a solution? If so, what?

[1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 172 words].

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