Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Front Page News - 3/20/19

The front page of a publication sets the tone for all else that lies inside. The visuals, headlines, arrangement, and overall tone of the front page is arguably the most important part of a newspaper.

On the cover of The Hill is a large photo of Joe Biden. This photo, along with the muted blue of the logo of the newspaper, are the only graphics the front page has. The picture of Biden is not a particularly colorful one; in fact, it's mostly blue-black due to the color of his suit and the matching background. The logo of the newspaper is a bit lighter, but (as mentioned earlier) muted, meaning not as vibrant. There are a few key lines that are printed in this shade of blue as well, such as "Joe Biden, who is expected to announce a 202 bid soon," and "FULL CONTENTS, P.3", but the rest of the cover is monochrome. This gives the impression that this publication is no-nonsense, serious, somber, and factual. This is the newspaper one can envision a businessman reading.

On the other hand, the cover of The Tennessean is awash with color. The entire top half of the page is taken up by a vibrant pictures of lush, green grass and bright yellow daffodils. The words "Nashville Fairgrounds" are in light blue at the top and the phrase "warming trend" is in red in the left column. The friendliness of the daffodil photo and the fact that the largest words on the page are "INTO SPRING" makes this publication feel more casual and not nearly as stuck-up as The Hill. [269 words, 2 images, 5 quotes, 1 link]


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