Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Investigative Journalism

After interviewing two of my friends about a problem in our community, I found that they both believe that
road construction in the streets of Allen is an issue that needs to be addressed. Obviously “road
construction is necessary for our infrastructure to grow, yet it can be an inconvenience to those driving
on the street” Cody Heeb stated. Although it is important for the streets to grow as the community grows,
some streets have been under construction for over 5 years, and are still under construction. My friend
Tyler Bowman shared his experience driving down Stacy. “Since there is only one lane of construction
going both ways, it is very difficult to see the cars coming toward me. I have seen multiple near
accidents on that street due to the awful construction.” My friends use their personal experience and
credibility as new and inexperienced drivers to talk about how they feel about construction in the busy
streets that they drive on every single day.

Bowman, Tyler, Blog, 20, March, 2019
Heeb, Cody, Blog, 20, March, 2019

{1 picture, 1 link, 2 quotations, 165 words}

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