Thursday, March 21, 2019

Front Page News: CNN vs Fox News

Image result for cnn vs foxWhen deciphering the displayed rhetoric on the front page of CNN, it is quite obvious they are pushing a Democratic agenda based on their subtitles and their negativity towards recent Republican party actions. For example, the majority of their front page stories have a negative tone towards President Trump's recent political actions and allegations. One story reads, " Hickenlooper: Trump should be ashamed of himself" which is used as an attention grabber to CNN's majority liberal audience. Republican subtle slander covers the front page of the website and doesn't fail to have leftest partisanism through their linked articles. However, the same goes for Fox News but it's directed towards a far more conservative audience. Fox News undoubtedly acknowledges that their majority viewership comes from southern conservatives and aims many of their stories towards a conservative agenda. One of the articles is titled, " Eighth Grader suspended for honoring troops speaks out" displays mistreatment in the eyes of many conservatives, incentivizing them to read more. Overall, both websites have diverging interests for their readers. The rhetoric displayed on both new sites is aimed to appeal the different sides of the political spectrum and adequately achieve at doing just that.
( 2 quotes, 1 image, 196 words 2 links - )

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