Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Front page story

Every news company has their techniques they prefer and tend to lean towards every single time they write for their company. Some like to have images take most of the front page and other like a little more writing on the front page. Nowadays people gravitate towards the more interesting looking front page stories so they will most likely grab the one on the right from Orlando weekly. The summit daily, on the left, from Frisco, Colorado has more of an old style. Although it is old fashioned it does contain an interesting picture that will catch peoples attention. I showed my friend both of these pictures and I asked her with one she would read, she said, " I would read the one about brunch because first of all I love food and secondly because that picture looks amazing and I would want to see if there's more pictures like that." So, evidently people lean towards the cool pictures.

[ 2 images, 1 link, 1 quotation, 159 words ]

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