Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Hu Shuli

Hu Shuli is a Chinese journalist, editor and publisher. Hu is the editor-in-chief of the Caixin Media group. She founded the group in 2009. She was born into the journalistic world, and still to this day is one of the most respected reporters. Shuli joined the army in 1970, and then after the Cultural revolution ended she was accepted to attend the Renmin University of China, where she gets her degree in journalism. She later then got a job at Daily's News. In 1987 she was awarded a World Press institute fellowship at Mcalester college in St.Paul, Minnesota. One of the most famous sayings she believes in is, "there is always a way to go. It's always one step up, one step back."

[ 1 link, 1 quotation, 1 image, 124 words]

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