Thursday, March 21, 2019

Journalists in the wild: Kathryn Aide

Journalists in the wild: Kathryn Aide
By: Selena Peterson

Journalists that take things to an extreme just to get the story tend to be my favorite, I can definitely put kathryn Aide in this category. Name a place that could threaten your life and Aide is there experiencing it. Anything from sleeping in grave, landmines, and parachuting into warzones. You could even refer to her life as an action movie, there is never a dull moment. Kate is able to break Barriers that no one has attempted, her rhetorical strategy would be giving the audience a story from a prospective of a women in a war zone, which has proved very popular. Aide is known for reporting on warzones, even to the point where the army would make sure Aide was there before they began making their way to the battle zone. A broken collar bone in Libya doesn't stop her, neither does a bullet to the elbow given to her by an angry local Libyan. “Five rounds rocked her land rover, literally lifting her to the roof, as metal sliced into her thigh,” doesn’t stop Aide. She never once lost her will to give the people the story they wanted. Kate has said that television is not enough, experience would be more so she gives the experience you would not dare to get on your own. Kate Aid has been honored for her bravery by the women's media foundation, and many others. Her career has never stopped growing becoming a credible author of eight books. Even becoming the chief of news correspondent. I guess with risks really does come with reward.

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