Saturday, March 30, 2019

News In the community

An issue in the community around where I live is the how dangerous nights are now and the safety of the people around there have been more crimes around where we live and are started to become a problem now many people have to be more cautious of the ways they come home and have to be aware of their surroundings and take another form of security. It’s not fair for the people around to be afraid of going to their own homes and having to look over their shoulders just because people decide to bring harm to others.

Front page
On the front page of Rocky Mountain News of 2001 we see an full image of the World Trade Center taking the whole entire page with the words in bold “Our nation saw evil” for this page and it showed the importance of the event taking the whole page and not having any other sort of information on that page other than the tragic event that had taken place. For this day they have decided that this would be the most important news on that day by having an image big to cover the page compared to other days where news not so big wouldn’t have needed that much attention.
In the wild
A American journalist was detained by Venezuelan authorities for reporting what people say as a “successful report of the return of the legitimate Venezuelan president” they say he was arrested for having to report on that and they were accused of not wanting to hear the truth of what was happening and that being a journalist is not a crime. Many stories of journalist getting into trouble in other countries are mostly the same bing that they were arrested for what that have said that the people in those countries dislike and are faced with detainment or even death.


Many things are shared and some are about events that took place by given an exaggerated story which are how many misleading stories take place such as an airplane that had to make an emergency landing for real was given a video that was already created on YouTube of a plane doing a 360 in the air and used with a fake news report and with the same date of when the real emergency landing took place made by people so they can click on it to make money and are not people with a side or an agendas

Snapchat and insagram
The news on Snapchat is communicated though the discover section of the app where you can scroll and see what you like and sometimes when braking news or just big news happening it’ll usually come up on the top, on Instagram it you usually have to follow a news page to see the news but sometimes other pages post breaking news when it happens or it can even show up on the explore tab these apps usually give you the option to see the news if not you won’t really find it on the social media apps

Friday, March 29, 2019

Woman held 33 immigrants in her Illinois home in forced labor scheme

19 adults and 14 children were found living against their own will in the home of Concepcion Malinek. Malinek kept these immigrants in her home, forcing them to work and give up most of their money to her. She thought that since she did them a favor by getting them to the United States, they owed her a ton of money in return. These immigrants had no way out because Malinek threatened them with “immigration consequences” if they told anybody what was going on.  According to the complaint the FBI received about Concepcion, she would tell the immigrants things like, "immigration knows how many people live in this house, you guys are poor and I have all the money," and  "they already know you are here, so go ahead and call them". Malinek would always reassure them that nobody would be able to help them.Concepcion got sentenced to a maximum of 40 years in prison for her actions.
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Linda McMahon plans to resign as SBA administrator

Two sources confirmed to CNN that Linda McMahon is leaving her job as an administrator to join America First, one of Trump’s outside political groups. McMahon seeks to help get Donald Trump re-elected while working in her new position. She will be mainly focusing on fundraising, according to sources. McMahon and Trump have a long history as friends starting from the 1980s. Trump attended many WWE matches as Linda was launching them. Linda and her husband had also donated a lot of money to Trump. The President stated, "The fact is that I've known her for a long time. I knew she was good but I didn't know she was that good. She has been one of our all-time favorites,". Although McMahon will no longer work along Trump’s side, she will still be working for him in helping to fundraise for his organization.
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Here's where the Trump administration plans to build the border wall
The Department of Homeland Security sent a memo requesting funding from the Defense Department about building 218 miles of barriers along the Mexican border, road construction, and light installation. This memo mainly focuses on keeping people and vehicles from crossing the border. Although the barrier is intended to stop vehicles, it could still possibly be climbed over. They are looking to build the barriers around El Centro, Yuma, Tucson and El Paso. In response to this request, the Pentagon agreed to use $1 billion dollars to fund barriers for two of the cities listed. "At this time I have decided to undertake Yuma Sector Projects 1 and 2 and El Paso Sector Project 1 by constructing 57 miles of 18-foot high pedestrian fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting as described in your February 25, 2019 request," Shanahan wrote. Construction for this project is expected to begin after May.
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5th Grader Dies After Fight at Elementary School
After a fight at her elementary school, 5th grader Raniya Wright was found dead. After a fight broke out on Monday, Raniya was taken to the nurse and then rushed to a nearby hospital. She died the next day at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. No arrests have been made nor has any criminal charges been filed. One student has been suspended from school, but authorities are unsure whether he was involved in the fight. An autopsy was done on Raniya, but have yet to be released. School Board Chairman Tim Mabry said, "Our board and district have received multiple requests for information. Due to the ongoing investigation and student privacy laws, we cannot share specific details at this time," Many people are angry about the lack of information being provided to them. Ernie Wright told CNN. "I mean, as far as violence or anything like that, she never would do that." Everybody is currently still looking for answers.
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7 year old Child Dies in U.S Custody
On Friday March 29, 2019, an autopsy report revealed that a 7-year-old-child that had been taken into U.S. custody had died from streptococcal sepsis. Streptococcal sepsis is an infection caused by Group A strep, a bacterium that causes different infections. Authorities are unaware of when and how Jakelin was infected. Jakelin died two days after being detained by U.S Customs and Border Patrol. The law office of Lynn Coyle are currently investigating the death of this little girl. Attorneys say that the U.S Customs and Border Patrol may be responsible for Jakelin’s death for not giving her the basic neccessities while being detained. “They had access to food, water and restrooms” according to CBP.
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Call of Duty turns deadly

Swatting is “the action or practice of making a prank call to emergency services in an attempt to bring about the dispatch of a large number of armed police officers to a particular address.”. Just recently, a California man by the name of Tyler Raj Barriss was sentenced to 20 years in prison for a prank call that ended up killing innocent man Andrew Finch over an online gaming dispute. Barriss told the police that “he was holding his mom and brother at gunpoint” and “he wants to kill himself and light the house on fire”. When the police arrived at Finch's house, he walked outside and was shot when he dropped his hands after being told to raise them. He later died at a nearby hospital.

Barriss                               Finch

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State Troopper Shot

A Texas State Trooper was shoot today in the Frisco area. What started as a routine traffic stop. Lead in to a hi speed chase down the Gorge Bush Turn Pike. The officer attempted to pull the car over on the exit of the Gorge Bush Turn Pike and the Spring exit. The attempt is what lead the driver to continue driving 4 more miles before pulling over. Once the drive pulled over the officers attempt to get out of the car. Was slowed when shoots were fired. The name of the officer; and the amount of times he was shot has yet to be released.

 (2019). State trooper shot outside Frisco apartment complex, authorities say shooter is barricaded | Frisco | Dallas News. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2019].

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Gloria Steinem

Named one of “25 most influential women in America,” Journalist Gloria Steinem has had an impressive journalism career as a “writer, speaker, activist, and feminist organizer.” She is a co-founder of New York Magazine, Ms. Magazine, and producer of multiple documentaries on moral issues involving the death penalty and women's rights–and that’s just to name a few accomplishments. She has actually had such an impressive career that it is easier to find articles written about her rather than by her. After a bit of looking around, I found some of her old articles archived on the New York Magazine website.

One article I found particularly interesting was written all the way back in 1968 when speaking out about civil rights and feminism was a bit more controversial than in this decade. The five-page article titled “Woman andPower” explains how and why women seek power, and how men react to that desire. The article is filled with impressive historical and political context to back it all up, including stories of powerful figures of the woman’s rights movement and examples of women who have even settled for using men to achieve power. While is definitely an opinionated article, it is a detailed piece that offers an interesting perspective into the feminist movement that Steinem was so invested in.
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Disney doesn’t want any smoke!

“It’s legal. I think people who smoke should smoke if they want to smoke.” said Denis Morissette But Disney says no. Currently there appears to be designated smoking areas But with the new Star Wars Theme Park those are soon to be dismissed as the park expands. Not sure why Disney offered smoking at a children's them park. The park is for kids and second hand smoke is dangerous. It has been proven by many studies. I'm surprised that smoking has lasted this long in the park. Do not shoot me in just the messenger.

Bailey-Millado, Rob. "Disney Is Banning Smoking, Vaping At All Its Theme Parks". Nypost.Com, 2019, Accessed 29 Mar 2019.

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Notre Dame Tights Day

A Mother of five boys wrote a letter to the girls on the campus of Notre Dame. Stating I'm just a Catholic mother of four sons with a problem that only girls can solve: leggings," Maryann White wrote in a letter published in the student newspaper. Once, this letter was published in the student paper the campus went crazy. The craziness led to a chain reaction casing the social group “Irish 4 Reproductive Health." To hold a “Leggings Pride Day.” This day encourages all genders to wear leggings. I’m sure that was a very tight day. The female students of Notre Dame still reserve the right to wear tights

"'A Problem That Only Girls Can Solve: Leggings'".
BBC News, 2019, Accessed 29 Mar 2019.

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The smallest in a large state

Tammy Lewis born 3½ months early weighing 1 pound 4 ounces was born as the smallest baby in Texas 34 years ago a premature babies chance of survival was 5-10%. Lewis made it through the life changing event, and currently works as a NICU nurse. "I wanted to be in a position to give back to the patients and families in the same situation that I was in," said Lewis. McLane Children's Medical Center Baylor Scott & White is happy to the Texas have legacy as a part of their staff


Jackson, Amanda. "CNN - Breaking News, Latest News And Videos".
M.Cnn.Com, 2019, Accessed 29 Mar 2019.

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Boeing has made another aircraft called the 737 Max 8 and it is “the company’s best-selling plane in the world.” Yet it has crashed twice in the last year. It crashed in October 2018 and the latest one was March 2019. They state that it can be fixed with a simple software upgrade. Boeing is an American company and has been threatened by its foreign competitor Airbus, a European company. All these aircraft have different variants to it, but it is still all the same aircraft. Same engines but different size. With jet fuel being the most important of the bunch, as it is extremely expensive, Boeing created the 737 Max to essentially remove pilot error causing more money to fix the aircraft and to ensure the safety of the flight. Due to the crash the 737 has been grounded until it is fixed.

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Maria Ressa

Maria Ressa is a Philippine journalist who was arrested in Manila on her way back from San Francisco. The reasoning behind it is “being targeted by the authorities as part of a campaign to silence and intimidate Rappler.” Rappler is a social news network that provides stories to inspire the community to engage in any issues that are going on in the current time. She has been arrested seven times in the last few months and has had to post bail each time totaling over $1,709 before court costs. She reports about Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte “war on drugs that has killed thousands.” It is crazy to think that not everywhere in the world is there freedom of speech as we take that for granted in the States.

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On Thursday March 29th, 2019 in El Paso, Texas, Vietnam veterans were commemorated for “their service and sacrifice” at Fort Bliss National Cemetery. There are four pictures located on the front page of El Paso Times. Two of the pictures are a lot bigger of several veterans receiving pins. This shows respect for the veterans who sacrificed so much and are still alive to this day. I was born in El Paso and my grandfather is a 22-year Army Vietnam veteran. This hits home for me as I served eight years in the Navy due to my grandfather and his sacrifices to this country.

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Wow Airlines went Whoa

Passengers on both sides of the Atlantic were left stranded after WOW Airlines went belly up with no advance notice. This situation was worsened because no refunds were given to passengers. When, asked about the sudden stop in business he following quote was given. I'm very sorry about this as these are people who have supported us," said Mogensen. "I'm disappointed not to honor our commitments." At the end of the day businesses is businesses and to leave people stranded overseas with no help of getting Home was wrong and heartless. Per WOW only a few will receive refunds on thir flights maybe 10%
Guy, Jack, and Gianluca Mezzofiore. "CNN - Breaking News, Latest News And Videos". M.Cnn.Com, 2019, Accessed 29 Mar 2019.
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